Verslag van het congresNLconnect Breeduit Jaarcongres 2024Donderdag 12 september vond het NLconnect Breeduit Jaarcongres plaats in Fort Voordorp in Groenekan. Een jaarlijks evenement voor de Nederlandse telecom-, glasvezel- en breedbandsector. Dit jaar was het thema Duurzaam Verbonden en stond energieverbruik, materieelgebruik en circulariteit centraal. Belangrijkste outtakes van de dag: we zijn goed onderweg in de sector. Maar duurzaamheid vereist samenwerking en een andere mindset bij de overheid en bedrijven. Article
Fiber optic speed and the technology behind itCurious about the speed of (business) fiber optic internet and the technology that makes this exceptional performance possible? Read this and more in the article. Article
Everything you need to know about fiber optic internetCurious about fiber optic internet? In this article we answer the most important questions regarding fiber optics. Article
The benefits and disadvantages of fiber-optic internetLightning fast and reliable internet is becoming increasingly important. Discover in our article why fiber optic is a good option to realize this. Article
eBook: Managed Dark Fiber – Maximum freedom at the speed of lightThis eBook explains when Managed Dark Fiber is the most suitable solution for your connectivity needs, and which aspects are particularly relevant when choosing a dark fiber provider. eBook
eBook: Ethernet traffic shapingBy now, it’s become the most normal thing in the world: data goes undisturbed via network connections from A to B and vice versa. And yet, it can still go wrong sometimes. The solution to that? Ethernet Traffic Shaping. eBook
The Eurofiber network: perfect for Ethernet servicesEurofiber’s fiber-optic network with nationwide coverage is fast and reliable, making it ideally suited for additional Ethernet services. Since 2008, Eurofiber has been delivering additional Ethernet services based on virtual private network (VPN) technology. Article
Cloud and IoT spur on exponential growth in fiberIn the next few years, cloud computing and Internet of Things applications will cause an exponential growth in data traffic worldwide. This trend will also drive an increasing need for fast, reliable connectivity based on fiber-optic connections, according to predictions by various market researchers. Article
Choosing the physical infrastructureWhy is an ICT infrastructure so important for your organization? And what types of infrastructure are available to choose from? Article
Maximum protection for your data and network by using encryptionOnce your new infrastructure has been selected and implemented, it’s time to look at how you can improve security. Secure infrastructure requires encryption. But ensuring the security of your ICT infrastructure is not the only reason to use encryption; it also keeps your data secure. eBook
What defines the higher quality of business fiber-optic infrastructure?Why does a business connection need to comply with so many more requirements than an average household connection? What defines the higher quality of business fiber-optic infrastructure and why is it so much more specific? Article
eBook: The winning formula for a secure ICT infrastructureIn today’s society, we continue to connect more and more devices to each other and to the internet. In our personal lives as well as in our businesses, we are creating networks that can communicate with each other without any human intervention. Article
eBook: Protect your network against cybercrimeIn this eBook, we explain the vulnerabilities in WAN, the possible consequences of a data breach and what you can do to protect your data connections. eBook