Digitization is changing our society at a rapid pace. This is a major source of growth, innovation and new business activity in our cities. As a result, public authorities face major challenges. Examples of these are ensuring better accessibility, reduction of CO2 and energy supply. This requires high-quality infrastructure that grows with the needs of society. The open Eurofiber network provides businesses with this future-proof infrastructure.
Cities become smart cities
Government, businesses and citizens are teaming up to develop smart solutions for growing cities. With applications such as smart traffic lights, intelligent parking and self-regulating street lighting, municipalities are perhaps the greatest innovators of our time. To tap into these objects, connectivity requirements are changing to a fast, open infrastructure that serves as the foundation for today and tomorrow. Wherein a municipality has real-time visibility into its own resources and knows what is going on in its city.
Collaboration between municipalities and objects
Municipal restructuring and regional partnerships create a need for standard processes, centralized procurement and shared infrastructure. This can get the job done more efficiently and save money. Protection against a new generation of cyber criminals plays a critical role. Eurofiber has the fine-mesh fiber network to securely connect objects.
Sustainable and future-proof communications infrastructure in municipalities
With its new broadband targets extending until 2025, the German government is making a clear commitment to fiber optic expansion in Germany. Sustainable and future-proof communications infrastructures are therefore central to society as a whole. Municipalities are driving this expansion and assume a crucial responsibility in coordinating the provision of "fast Internet" with up to 1 gigabit download rates to communities, as well as in implementing municipal utilities and energy supply companies (EVU) self-owned infrastructures. When it comes to supplying residents and securing location qualities for business, there is no option other than fiber optic connections. Eurofiber sees itself as a partner in this area, making a decisive contribution to mastering the tasks and goals involved. The most important priorities include securing local advantages as well as providing supra-regional connections and a perspective for residents.
Partner to local authorities in broadband expansion and securing locations
From planning and expansion to operation and maintenance: Eurofiber is a reliable partner for municipalities in broadband expansion. Eurofiber's network infrastructure is used to connect municipalities that are to be developed or partially developed for high-speed Internet. Eurofiber is actively involved in fiber optic network expansion in Germany and provides municipalities with broadband infrastructure in a wide variety of operator and utility models.
Special cooperation between infrastructure and energy providers
Both sides can profit from a partnership regarding use of infrastructure
On the one hand, highways, railroad tracks, but also other supply routes, lend themselves to cooperative expansion. This makes it relatively easy to carry out the necessary expansion work and achieve expansion goals more quickly. Companies very often locate along these supply routes, and so a business park can also benefit from a faster connection. We work with providers throughout Germany and follow the routes of the most important connections in Germany.
On the other hand, utilities are also often direct providers for end-customer connections and are also always on the lookout for connections to remote locations such as wind farms, solar parks or other prominent infrastructure components. It is then particularly important to support a stable and secure connection. Dedicated fiber optic lines offer the best possible security for this, to ensure the supply of millions of people.
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