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We can provide a fiber-optic connection for your organization.
Want to take a virtual tour of the construction site? Use virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) to give your client a peek. The Dutch construction industry may be a global leader in delivering innovative architectural achievements, but there is still a world to be won in the digital field. Digital trends such as Building Information Systems (BIM) software, VR/AR, drones and 3D modeling can accelerate that development. Will you join your competitors?
Improved collaboration and faster delivery
How much time does your organization spend in meetings and consultations? The Dutch construction industry operates according to predefined and often time-consuming processes. By instituting modern ways of working and introducing digital innovations, you will facilitate collaboration between different suppliers. And that leads to faster delivery and higher customer satisfaction.
New revenue streams and improved sustainability
Interested in generating a new revenue stream? Or boosting customer satisfaction? It’s all possible by applying digital innovations like ‘smart sensoring’. Construction companies use these approaches to collect data on how roads and buildings are used and how that impacts safety, energy management and more. The resulting information can be presented to your client as a digital dashboard. And how can 3D printing contribute? On-site 3D printing can already help the construction industry make great strides in sustainability by reducing CO2 emissions.
Playing digital catch-up in the construction industry
The construction industry is in the midst of a sweeping digital transformation. Organizations are taking steps to digitalize and standardize daily operations and processes, driving productivity upwards. Automation solutions are increasingly minimizing and replacing labor-intensive administrative workflows. And technological developments and software capabilities are also becoming more easily accessible; 3D printing and virtual and augmented reality are just a few examples. A fiber-optic network is the solid foundation on which the sector can build, now and in the future.
Digital infrastructure: future-proof, flexible, secure
How do you transport your applications and data safely from A to B? By building a digital infrastructure that’s future-proof, flexible and secure. This prevents data from falling into the wrong hands and ensures that you’ll be able to accommodate your growing demand for bandwidth. If your network connection is unexpectedly cut due to an excavation incident, your data will automatically be rerouted. Redundant network connections, in which the physical fibers are routed through different cables, are a necessity rather than a luxury in the construction industry.
Is connectivity crucial for your organization?
We would be happy to help you.