Quantum safe digital infrastructure
For decades, Eurofiber has been renowned for delivering high-quality digital infrastructure. Our extensive fiber-optic network and cloud and data center services enable growth, innovation, and secure communication for many organizations. Today, with the advent of quantum computers, digital networks are facing new networking security and cybersecurity challenges. As quantum computers have the potential to break current encryption protocols, new solutions need to be developed to keep our networks safe and society up and running. Quantum-safe networks are crucial for protecting sensitive data and communications from future quantum computer attacks, ensuring long-term cybersecurity.
Useful quantum computers
A quantum computer is fundamentally different from a traditional computer in the sense that it calculates using quantum bits. A quantum bit, or qubit, is the fundamental unit of quantum information that can exist in both 0 and 1 states simultaneously, enabling quantum computers to perform complex calculations more efficiently than computers using traditional bits. Quantum computers are very unlikely to replace traditional computers. Efficient quantum computers will be used to solve specific, complex problems in fields such as optimization, cryptography, and simulations. The technology to build these computers requires laboratory conditions as found in research facilities, but widespread practical use is expected as the technology matures, potentially within the next decade.
What is the quantum threat to encryption?
One of the killer applications of quantum computing is breaking current cryptographic systems. A sufficiently powerful quantum computer could break many current encryption schemes widely used today. Using a specific algorithm, quantum computers could be extremely good at factoring large numbers - a math problem that is the foundation of most encryption methods. This means current security standards and encryption protocols need to be upgraded to be ‘quantum safe’, protecting digital communications from future quantum computer attacks. (More on this subject, you can read in our whitepaper). Although sufficiently powerful computers are still in development, hackers are stealing vast amounts of encrypted data today, with the goal of storing it and simply decrypting it later (‘hack now, decrypt later attacks’). This is an important reason for transitioning to a quantum safe future. Layer 1,2, and 3 encryption plays a vital role.
Read our whitepaper
Network security
Digital networks all over the world are used to send and receive sensitive data every minute of every day. Personal identifiable information, payment transactions, medical records and other sensitive data should be protected through encryption and transport via secure networks in compliance with data protection laws. Eurofiber, with its partners and vendors, is working to enable critical infrastructure, financial services, and other industries requiring high levels of data protection to send information across networks securely using post quantum cryptography (PQC). Integrating traditional (pre-shared) symmetric key solutions for line encryption or developing distributed symmetric key establishment security hubs in private cloud environments are other great ways of making your WAN quantum-proof. It is also possible to create a quantum resistant communication layer using Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). This uses the principles of quantum mechanics itself to securely exchange encryption keys, ensuring sensitive data remains protected from possible eavesdropping or cyber-attacks.
Building quantum networks
As part of the Dutch quantum ecosystem, Eurofiber is dedicated to designing and building quantum communication links and propositioning Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) networks to academia, government services and national critical infrastructure. Developing these links and networks contributes to the research and applications required to bring quantum communication and quantum computing to the next level. Focusing on national and cross-border quantum connections Eurofiber leverages its fiber network and datacenters to be ‘the home of everything quantum’.
Port of Rotterdam
Eurofiber Quantum Key Distribution
Eurofiber views quantum technology as an essential part of the digital future. Although the technology is still in full development, we are preparing for the next generation of security solutions. This ensures our networks and digital products are quantum-ready. We are building a solid foundation for secure and responsible quantum applications in the digital world of tomorrow.