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We can provide a fiber-optic connection for your organization.
Eurofiber’s fiber-optic network with nationwide coverage is fast and reliable, making it ideally suited for Ethernet services. Eurofiber delivers Ethernet services based on virtual private network (VPN) technology.
What is Ethernet VPN?
VPN stands for virtual private network: a virtual data network between locations, which is separate from the public internet. For example, a VPN connection can be used to link multiple sites without compromising security. Thanks to VPN technology, the linked sites are seen as an integral part of the company network (the local area network or LAN).
How does Ethernet VPN work?
Our Ethernet VPN service connects your headquarters, branch offices and datacenters securely and flexibly via a closed network customized for your organization. The network makes it possible to transport various services, including internet, telephony and video. Your datacenters can also be connected to the network, enabling you to provide centrally hosted applications and platforms.
Why use Ethernet VPN?
Optimal access to business applications and data is critical for your organization. Ethernet VPN is used for handling larger volumes of data, voice and internet traffic, and facilitating transfers between locations that interact in real time and require higher bandwidth. Eurofiber’s Ethernet VPN service makes it possible for you to collaborate efficiently without security risks.
Benefits of Ethernet VPN
Collaborate quickly, easily and securely! With a closed network for your organization, you can connect all your employees from any location. Your Ethernet VPN solution is always optimally configured to meet your organization's needs. Connect as many locations as you want and decide which bandwidth you require for each connection. If you have Ethernet VPN from Eurofiber, you can always rely on 24/7 support from the experts at our Network Monitoring Center (NMC).
Secure closed network
You can also connect your head office, branch offices and internal or external datacenters to each other via single or redundant connections. The importance of the location also determines what type of connection you need.
Flexible scalability
Connect as many locations as you want and decide which bandwidth you require for each connection. Need increased bandwidth? Quickly and easily scale up to 10 Gb/s.
Can be used for multiple applications
Various services can be ported over your network, such as internet access, telephone calls and video. Your datacenters can also be connected to the network, enabling you to provide centrally hosted applications and platforms.
Custom network for your organization
We offer you a custom Ethernet VPN solution that provides the optimum response to your organization’s situation. And we will advise you on the bandwidths required between locations, service levels, redundancy and more.
Guaranteed bandwidth
Ethernet VPN is available in 2 variants with bandwidths ranging from 50 Mb/s to 10 Gb/s. The bandwidth is always symmetrical: the upload and download speeds are equal. And if you need higher bandwidths, we can also offer other connectivity services. The Premium Ethernet VPN service has a bandwidth guarantee reaching nearly 100%.
- Basic Plus ‒ in addition to the standard level of service, you also have the option of defining ‘subnetworks’ within the VPN.
- Premium ‒ additional guarantees in terms of bandwidth and maximum latency of the connection. This service is ideal for your voice and video services.
Direct access to your cloud platforms
The additional Secure Cloud Connect service connects your organization directly to your cloud providers through the Ethernet VPN network, keeping the network completely separate from the public internet. This comprehensive solution provides direct access to the cloud platforms you prefer, without requiring you to invest in a cloud exchange.
What aspects are relevant in choosing Ethernet VPN?
In order to offer your organization maximum network reliability, we provide Ethernet VPN via Eurofiber’s fiberoptic connections. You can expand your Ethernet service with our Internet and Secure Cloud Connect services using the same network connection.
Eurofiber’s fiber-optic network for businesses
Why do customers opt for Business Fiber from Eurofiber?
- Fiber-optic network with national coverage
- Reliable connectivity
- Employees provide maximum expertise
- Fastest repair times in the market
Ethernet VPN variants
The Ethernet VPN service can be purchased as an E-Line (point-to-point) or an E-LAN (multipoint-multipoint). In both cases, the EVC configuration consists of several EVC legs (one EVC leg per site). An EVC leg is a connection between a location and the Eurofiber Ethernet network.
Which organizations might need Ethernet VPN?
Guarantee fast, reliable access to your data, applications and the public internet. SMEs or corporations in any sector can rely on our fiber-optic network, the datacenters of our sister company Dataplace and our 100% focus on the business market.
What does Ethernet VPN cost?
The costs for Ethernet VPN depend on your needs and requirements. We always offer you a custom Ethernet VPN solution that provides the optimum response to your organization’s situation.
Ethernet VPN at your location?
Eurofiber’s Ethernet VPN service connects your headquarters, branch offices and datacenters securely and flexibly via a private network tailored to your organization’s needs. Two options are available for configuring Ethernet VPNs in bandwidths up to 10 Gb/s. And your Ethernet VPN can easily be extended directly to the cloud platforms you prefer.
Would you like to know more about our Ethernet VPN solutions?
We would be happy to help you.