POSTAL CODE CHECKLooking for Business Fiber? (Area The Netherlands)
We can provide a fiber-optic connection for your organization.
In today’s education, almost everything depends on ICT. Without network access, students and staff are frantic. Choose Eurofiber’s reliable digital infrastructure – just like 74% of universities in the Netherlands. That’s how they give 700,000 students access to innovative education.
Cloud computing
If the WiFi at school is not working, it is impossible to teach classes. Teaching materials, the student monitoring system, payroll administration, even controls for video projectors and security cameras: everything is handled through the network. Our redundant fiber connections offer speed, continuity and flexibility. Software as a Service (SaaS), virtual servers or data storage in the cloud? You’ll be ready for it. Feel free to host your learning environment and other applications in one of the datacenters of our sister company Dataplace.
Cloud applications, centralization, collaboration with other educational institutions: transport and storage of your data requires more and more bandwidth. The arrival of Eduroam, the wireless network for students and educational institutions in the Netherlands, will place an additional burden on your network. Our infrastructure gives you room to grow: you can control the bandwidth and choose your own services and service providers.
Is connectivity also crucial for your educational institution?
And do you want to offer optimal access to innovative education?