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We can provide a fiber-optic connection for your organization.
Technological developments in the retail sector are emerging at breakneck speed – and increasingly demanding customers expect you to keep up. The success of your retail organization is determined in part by optimal deployment of ICT resources and a solid digital foundation. Retail 2.0 is characterized by such trends as augmented reality, omnichannel, self-scanning, AI and unmanned stores. Are you ready for that?
Redundancy and security built into the digital strategy
What if the connection to your network fails and your customers can no longer make debit card payments? As a retailer, you are increasingly dependent on applications and growing data streams. A well-designed digital strategy is the starting point for your digital infrastructure: flexible and future-proof, but solid and secure as well. Build in redundancy on your connections, with an extra backup for the fixed network connection. Is the privacy of your data paramount? Then it is advisable to encrypt your data traffic at the network infrastructure level.
Automation determines success in the retail sector
Problem-free contactless payments, self-scanning facilities, the latest prices displayed on screens: your customers have come to expect it. If a product is sold out at the local brick-and-mortar store, then customers just order it online from their smartphone. Optimized inventory and logistics are also based on the deployment of ICT resources. Your revenue is increasingly determined by automation.
Data as the foundation for an optimal customer experience
Supermarket chains are good examples of retail organizations that are taking the customer experience to a higher level, thanks to IT. It is all about digital data, transmitted to branch locations, company headquarters or a logistics center. Supermarkets are also using data to enhance their online services by providing apps that lets customers search for recipes, order groceries online or automatically generate shopping lists.
How future-proof is your connectivity?
Implementing changes in your organization’s network? This process is time-consuming and expensive for retailers, due to the hardware adjustments that would be required. New technologies, such as software-defined wide area networks (SD-WAN), make it possible to roll out changes to the network infrastructure that are primarily software-based. You even have the option of dividing the available bandwidth across different applications and locations. That approach is more efficient, and gives your retail organization a lot more flexibility.
Is connectivity crucial for your organization?
Discover how our connectivity contributes to solving the challenges in the (R)etail sector.