All rights reserved. No information, visual material, images and photographic material and/or reports made available via any Eurofiber website may be distributed, reproduced, stored in an electronic format or published in any way whatsoever without the express prior written consent of Eurofiber Nederland B.V.
The General Terms and Conditions of the Eurofiber Websites comprise two sections: the Terms of Use for the Websites and the MyEurofiber Terms of Use. Eurofiber is a registered trademark.
Terms of Use for the Websites
These are the Terms of Use for the Websites (hereafter: Terms of Use) of Eurofiber Nederland B.V. and other companies operating in the Eurofiber group (hereafter: Eurofiber). These Terms of Use apply to every use of any of the Eurofiber websites (hereafter: Website). By using a Website, the user (hereafter: User) is deemed to consent to the Terms of Use and to irrevocably accept these Terms of Use.
Exercise of due care by the User
The User will act at all times as befits a responsible and careful internet user. The User will, among other things, refrain from any conduct or behavior that causes or may cause nuisance or inconvenience to Eurofiber, the User or any third party or that may cause damage to a Website and ICT systems and items and goods belonging to Eurofiber, the User or any third party. The User will in particular not infringe upon any statutory rules and provisions (such as laid down inter alia in legislation and regulations, general terms and conditions, and contracts, or determined by court order) when using a Website.
Information disclaimer
All the information on a Website, including texts and visual material, has been compiled with great care and attention. However, information may become outdated over the course of time, and errors cannot be excluded entirely. Therefore, no rights may be derived from the information on a Website. A Website may additionally contain links to websites or pages created by third parties. The inclusion of these links on a Website in no way implies any endorsement of the contents of such third-party sites.
Limitation of liability
Eurofiber is not liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage, of whatever nature, sustained by a User or any third party and arising from or in any way related to the use of a Website, its contents, the technology used in the Website, or any inability to access a Website. Eurofiber does not guarantee that a Website will be free of errors and function without interruption. Similarly, Eurofiber accepts no liability whatsoever for any and all direct or indirect loss or damage resulting from the use or non-use of a Website. The use of a Website is also understood to mean: any and all authorized or unauthorized, rightful or wrongful, or legal or unlawful use by the User or any third party.
Consequences of unauthorized use
If the User fails to act in accordance with these Terms of Use, Eurofiber reserves the right to block the User from accessing a Website. Other measures are also possible, including legal action to recover any loss or damage from the User.
Eurofiber reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use from time to time. The most recent version of the Terms of Use can be viewed at any time via the Websites.
Applicable law and competent court
The Terms of Use for the Eurofiber Websites, the Terms of Use for MyEurofiber, and the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, as well as any and all use of a Website, shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with Dutch law. The competent court in Utrecht has exclusive jurisdiction in this regard to hear any dispute relating to or arising from the use of a Website and the Terms of Use for the Eurofiber Websites, the Terms of Use for MyEurofiber, and the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy .
In the interest of protecting Users and preventing fraud, Eurofiber may process the contact details and personal data provided by Users, as set forth in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.
MyEurofiber Terms of Use
These are the MyEurofiber Terms of Use, which apply to the use of the MyEurofiber portal and its additional functionalities. The MyEurofiber Terms of Use apply to every use of MyEurofiber. By using MyEurofiber, a prospect or customer (hereafter collectively: “Customer”) is deemed to consent to the Terms of Use and to irrevocably accept these Terms of Use.
Other terms and conditions
The Eurofiber General Terms and Conditions and the relevant Service Description and Service Level Agreement (SLA) are applicable to all our services. These documents will be provided free of charge. All Customers may make use of MyEurofiber.
In order to permit a quotation to be generated via a Website, in the format of an order form, it is necessary for certain assumptions to be made which may affect the eventual price for the service to be provided. For this reason, Eurofiber issues all its quotations subject to the condition that the final version must be signed by an authorized Eurofiber manager. The agreement between Eurofiber and the Customer is therefore not concluded until the quotation has been signed by both parties. The quotation generated through a Website is an automatically generated document; no rights can be derived from incorrect information resulting from printing, typesetting and/or computer errors.
Provision of information by the Customer
The Customer is expected always to provide correct, up-to-date and complete information in a timely manner and bears full responsibility for doing so. This means, among other things, that any changes must be notified without delay. In the event that the Customer acts contrary to this requirement, Eurofiber reserves the right to deny the Customer access to all or part of a Website, including MyEurofiber.
Confidentiality and liability
Eurofiber will issue the Customer with a password and user name to enable access to MyEurofiber. Both are linked to the Customer’s organization, are confidential in nature, and are not transferable outside the Customer’s organization. By using MyEurofiber, the Customer undertakes to keep the password and the user name confidential, and accepts full responsibility for all the actions that are performed using the password and/or user name. The Customer must inform Eurofiber immediately of any unauthorized, wrongful or illegal use of their MyEurofiber account, or suspicion of the same. Furthermore, we may enable a Customer to create one or more user accounts (user names and passwords) for their authorized representatives. In this case also, the Customer is responsible for the use and administration of the users (user names) and/or passwords that are created. Similarly, the Customer is required to block users (user names) and/or passwords in case of (suspected) misuse and on termination of the employment relationship.
Eurofiber reserves the right to modify the MyEurofiber Terms of Use and other terms and conditions which apply to our services, including the Eurofiber General Terms and Conditions and the relevant Service Description and Service Level Agreement (SLA). The most recent version of the MyEurofiber Terms of Use can easily be viewed at any time via the Websites.