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We can provide a fiber-optic connection for your organization.
Eurofiber’s WDM service provides you with the high-quality connectivity you need to connect datacenters, large office environments and Internet or Cloud Exchanges. WDM connections offer very high bandwidths and low latency, and support multiple protocols. This makes them ideal for enabling access to your IT environments with real-time data and server replication or Cloud environments.
Three types of WDM
Choose one of our three WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) service types:
- WDM via the nationwide WDM network – mainly connections with a single protocol, such as Ethernet 10 or 100 Gb/s. This solution enables you to cover long distances where amplification is normally required.
- Customer-specific WDM ‒ provides you with a custom solution based on your requirements in terms of application(s), latency, separated routes, management and expansion possibilities. This solution includes a dedicated fiber-optic connection, tailored WDM equipment, and management of the connection.
- WDM Encrypted – offers your organization maximum secure connections between locations. This latest encryption technique ensures that data can not be drained during transport over fiber.
Speeds and protocols
Leverage our WDM service to ensure you have sufficient data transfer capacity for the most demanding applications, now and in the future. The combination of WDM technology and our fiber-optic network makes bandwidths of 400 Gb/s to 1.6Tb/s possible. Bandwidths of 10 Gb/s or 100 Gb/s can be provided immediately, over two fully geographically separated routes if you prefer.
Dedicated light path
You can deploy WDM for any data communication protocol, including Ethernet, Fiber Channel, SDH and uncompressed video. Each service uses its own light path, making WDM extremely secure. The connection is individually configured to your specifications and is not shared with any other customers.
Minimum delay in data transfer
In the case of WDM, the data transfer delay is determined solely by the length of the fiber-optic connection. The inclusion of a separate circuit for each application means there are also no switches or buffers to slow down data transfer. This makes WDM the ideal solution for your real-time or time-critical applications, such as storage of high-quality data or video transmission.
Long-distance transmission
WDM allows you to avoid high capital and ongoing management costs. You do not need to make any investments in equipment, management organization, or co-location. We ensure the quality of the signal and correct any errors that occur during data transfer. You only pay for the bandwidth you use and not the distance covered.
Optimum availability and service
The availability of WDM depends on our underlying fiber-optic network and is a minimum of 99.9%. You can also rely 24×7 on the expert support of our Network Monitoring Center (NMC).
- Very high bandwidths up to 100 Gb/s
- Low latency: < 1 msec. per 100 km
- Supports protocols: SDH, Ethernet, Fiber Channel and SDI video
- Connects to your datacenter network and hardware
- Very high availability through fully separated routes
Would you like to know more about our WDM solution?
We would be happy to help you.