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Planned work

Important: This is the new page for UNET planned work
Planned work - all open work

At this moment there is no planned work

Completed work

VRRP internet service

Dear customer,


We will perform maintenance on the redundant VRRP internet services during the time windows below. The maintenance will be performed on one node at a time to prevent downtime. Each node will reboot twice during maintenance.


- from 23 December 2024, 23:55 until 24 December 2024, 1:55


With kind regards,






Geachte klant,


We zullen onderhoud uitvoeren aan de redundante VRRP-internetservices tijdens de onderstaande tijdvensters. Het onderhoud zal op één node tegelijk worden uitgevoerd om downtime te voorkomen. Elke node zal twee keer herstarten tijdens het onderhoud.


- van 23 december 2024, 23:55 tot 24 december 2024, 1:55


Met vriendelijke groet,



Reason for work and impact

We will perform maintenance on the redundant VRRP internet services during the time windows below. The maintenance will be performed on one node at a time to prevent downtime. Each node will reboot twice during maintenance.

Estimated resolution date

Start date
12/23/2024 22:55
End date
12/24/2024 24:35
Upgrade VRRP
Type maintenance
VRRP internet services upgrade